Muriel Bolton Award 2022

On Sunday 23rd October 2022, the Muriel Bolton Award for 2022 was presented to Mary O’Connell of Sandycove LTC.

This Award is made annually to a Lady member of any club affiliated to the Dublin Lawn Tennis Council who in the opinion of the Council has made a significant contribution as a player or administrator to the Dublin Leagues. This award recognises the long contribution of the late Muriel Bolton to the promotion and running of the Dublin Leagues over a period of more than 40 years.

Mary O’Connell has been a member of Sandycove LTC for over 30 years.    During this time, she has formally held many different roles within the Club: President, Captain, Hon. Secretary, Bar Manager and she served the maximum five years as a Club trustee.  She is always willing to lend a hand with any club activities and is the epitome of the ideal club volunteer.

Mary O’Connell is indeed a very worthy recipient of the Muriel Bolton award for 2022.  The photograph shows Mary receiving her award from Mary Harte, President of the Dublin Lawn Tennis Council.