Winter League Quarter Finals ~ Saturday 11th March 2017

Times & venues for all Winter League Quarter Final matches scheduled for Saturday 11th March 2017 are now posted on the website.  Click on the Fixtures, Results, Tables tab on the homepage for further details.

Team Captains and DLMs are asked to upload the results of all matches to be played on Saturday 11th March to the website IMMEDIATELY after the matches have been completed.  In the event that this cannot be done online, please phone the DLTC Office  (2603201) immediately with the results.  There will be a DLTC Councillor in the Office from approximately 12 noon to receive results.

All quarter final winners will be playing in the semifinals on Sunday 12th March.  Times and venues for the semifinals will be posted on the website once all quarter final results have been received and checked.

Thank you for your co-operation.