Dublin Leagues v Belfast Leagues: Results of Annual Match

The 68th Annual Match between the Dublin Leagues & the Belfast & District Leagues took place on Saturday 15th August 2015 in Clontarf LTC.

Sixteen players represented each of the Leagues and the match featured men’s & ladies singles, doubles & mixed doubles.  There was terrific tennis on view with matches being keenly contested in a spirit of true sportsmanship.  After several hours of competition, honours were evenly shared with the Dublin team winning the Duff Cup by six matches to four and the Belfast team winning the Harp Cup by five matches to three.

Click here to get the full match results.

Dublin Leagues Team August 2015

Dublin Leagues Team August 2015

Belfast & District Leagues Team August 2015

Belfast & District Leagues Team August 2015

Further photographs of the teams can be seen on the slideshow on the website homepage, or alternatively by clicking on the Archive…..then Gallery…..then 2015 tabs from the main menu.